Visa for my Moroccan girl ftiend

Goetz Fleischmann

Visa for my Moroccan girl ftiend

Jan 19, 2020
Dear all,
I am coming over to Vietnam (Hanoi) beginning of April
Flight, hotel, cruise is all booked.
My question to you would be, what visa procedures have to be applied for my Moroccan girl friend
She lives in Marrakech and will come to Hanoi directly from there
Thx much for help
Goetz Fleischmann
Vietnam Evisa Support
Jan 20, 2020

Dear Goetz Fleischmann, 

Thanks for your concern,

May we have the name of the first entry port ?

For any further details, please contact us at or call us at +84.327.117.119


Stepfano Tran  (Mr.)


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