Vietnam Electronic Visa (e-Visa)

New Online Travel Authorization.

Vietnam e-Visa Online Application

Vietnam electronic visa for arriving by land crossing or borders.

Since February 1st 2017, the Government of Vietnam has implemented the e-Visa. The new online process simplifies the procedures to enter Vietnam by allowing travellers to apply directly online for a visa. Hence, there is no more need to apply for an “approval letter”, which require to queue, process and pay an additional stamp for “visa on arrival” once arrived to Vietnam.

What's Vietnam e-Visa?

1. Definition of E-Visa

The Electronic Visa (E-Visa) is a type of visa issued by the Immigration Department through an electronic transaction system to foreigners. Under this arrangement, the E-Visa is valid for single or multiple entries, meaning that it grants foreigners permission to enter and exit Vietnam single or multiple entries within the validity period of the visa, and it will not be altered for change of purpose.

2. Validity of E-Visa

Since August 15, 2023, the Vietnam E-visa has granted to foreigner entering Vietnam will be extended to a validity period of no more than 90 days. This implies that the E-visa will authorize single or multiple entries within the 90-day timeframe. The validity of the E-Visa will start from the entry date specified on the E-Visa.

Which nationalities are eligible to enter Vietnam using an electronic visa?

From August 15, 2023, according to Resolution No. 127/NQ-CP, e-visas is issued to citizens of all countries and territories. Besides, Vietnam also added a number of border gates to accept foreigners entering by E-visa.

Ports of Entry

e-Visas will be accepted at all of international airports in Vietnam, including the major hubs of Ho Chi Minh City, Hanoi, Da Nang, Can Tho City, and Phu Quoc Island. Here is a complete list of eligible port of entry:


  1. Tan Son Nhat International Airport (Ho Chi Minh City)
  2. Noi Bai International Airport (Ha Noi)
  3. Da Nang International Airport
  4. Cam Ranh International Airport (Khanh Hoa)
  5. Can Tho International Airport
  6. Phu Bai International Airport
  7. Phu Quoc International Airport
  8. Cat Bi International Airport (Hai Phong)
  9. Van Don International Airport (Quang Ninh)
  10. Lien Khuong Airport (in Central Highlands province of Lam Dong).


  1. Nam Can Landport
  2. Song Tien Landport
  3. Tinh Bien Landport
  4. Xa Mat Landport
  5. Mong Cai Landport
  6. Moc Bai Landport
  7. Lao Bao Landport
  8. Ha Tien Landport
  9. Huu Nghi Landport
  10. Cau Treo Landport
  11. Cha Lo Landport
  12. Bo Y Landport
  13. Lao Cai Landport
  14. La Lay Landport
  15. Na Meo Landport
  16. Tay Trang Landport


  1. Ho Chi Minh City Seaport
  2. Quy Nhon Seaport
  3. Nha Trang Seaport
  4. Hai Phong Seaport
  5. Hon Gai Seaport (Quang Ninh)
  6. Da Nang Seaport
  7. Vung Tau Seaport
  8. Chan May Seaport (Thua Thien Hue)
  9. Duong Dong Seaport (Phu Quoc island)
  10. Cam Pha Seaport (Quang Ninh)
  11. Nghi Son Seaport (Thanh Hoa)
  12. Vung Ang Seaport (Ha Tinh)
  13. Dung Quat Seaport (Quang Ngai)

Entry Requirements

  • Outside Vietnam foreigners
  • Hold a valid passport (be valid for at least 06 month after arrival to Vietnam and it must have at least two blank pages)
  • Not falling into the cases of suspension from entry prescribed in Article 21 of Law on foreigners' entry into, exit from, transit through, residence in Vietnam.
  • A scanned color copy of the of the biographical page of the applicant’s current passport.
  • Minors with their own passport must complete a full e-Visa application. Minors aged 14 and under included on their parent’s passport will have to be included on their parents e-Visa application.
  • Applicants are required to carry a copy of their e-Visa at all times during their stay.

Vietnam Visa Exemptions

Vietnam currently has a visa waiver program, apart from tourists visa exemptions for the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN). Vietnam also offers a 45-day visa exemptions for visitors from the UK, France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Japan, South Korea, Denmark, Norway, Finland and Sweden.

Eligible Countries and Territories

Citizens from the following countries are eligible to apply online for an e-Visa.

Afghanistan Cuba Ireland Mozambique Solomon Islands
Albania Cyprus Israel Myanmar Somalia
Algeria Czech Republic Italy Namibia South Africa
Andorra Denmark Jamaica Nauru South Korea
Angola Djibouti Japan Nepal South Sudan
Antigua and Barbuda Dominica Jordan Netherlands Spain
Argentina Dominican Republic Kazakhstan New Zealand Sri Lanka
Armenia Ecuador Kenya Nicaragua Sudan
Australia Egypt Kiribati Niger Suriname
Austria El Salvador Kosovo North Korea Sweden
Azerbaijan Equatorial Guinea Kuwait Norway Switzerland
Bahamas Eritrea Kyrgyzstan Oman Syria
Bahrain Estonia Laos Pakistan Taiwan
Bangladesh Eswatini Latvia Palau Tajikistan
Barbados Ethiopia Lebanon Palestine Tanzania
Belarus Fiji Lesotho Panama Thailand
Belgium Finland Liberia Papua New Guinea Timor-Leste
Belize France Libya Paraguay Togo
Benin Gabon Liechtenstein Peru Tonga
Bermuda Gambia Lithuania Philippines Trinidad and Tobago
Bhutan Georgia Luxembourg Poland Tunisia
Bolivia Germany Macau Portugal Turkey
Bosnia and Herzegovina Gibraltar Macedonia Qatar Turkmenistan
Botswana Greece Madagascar Romania Tuvalu
Brazil Greenland Malawi Russia Uganda
Brunei Grenada Malaysia Rwanda Ukraine
Bulgaria Guatemala Maldives Saint Kitts and Nevis United Arab Emirates
Burkina Faso Guinea Mali Saint Lucia United Kingdom
Burundi Guinea-Bissau Malta Saint Vincent and the Grenadines United States of America
Cambodia Guyana Marshall Islands Samoa Uruguay
Canada Haiti Mauritania San Marino Uzbekistan
Cape Verde Holy See Mauritius Sao Tome and Principe Vanuatu
Central African Republic Honduras Mexico Saudi Arabia Vatican City
Chad Hong Kong Micronesia Senegal Venezuela
China Hungary Moldova Serbia Yemen
Colombia Iceland Monaco Seychelles Yugoslavia
Comoros India Mongolia Sierra Leone Zambia
Costa Rica Indonesia Montenegro Singapore Zimbabwe
Cote d'Ivoire Iran Montserrat Slovakia
Croatia Iraq Morocco Slovenia

How to Apply?

  • Step 1: Full fill the requirement information.
  • Step 2: Pay the visa fee and get visa code in maximum 3 days.
  • Step 3: The visa code will be sent to your email.

Notes : If there is any missing or incorrect/unidentified information, your application will not be accepted.

Apply now to use our visa service with more convenient!

Recently 100 questions

Have Your Question

  • no-avatar
    Axel Torre
    United States of America

    US and Philippine passport

    Apr 24, 2024
    Hi! I have dual citizenship and I'm holding a US and Philippine passport. I plan to visit Vietnam for 5 days. Do I still need a visa for my US passport or can I just use my Philippine passport alone?
    Vietnam Evisa Support
    Apr 24, 2024

    Dear Axel Torre,

    Thank you for reaching us.

    We would like to inform you that Philippine citizens holding ordinary passports, regardless of entry purposes, are exempt from Vietnam entry and exit visas with a temporary stay of not more than 21 days.
    and the US passport need a Visa to enter Vietnam.

    Therefore, you can use your Philippine passport to enter Vietnam for 5 days without a Visa.

    Best regards,

    Heidi Phan (Ms.)

  • no-avatar
    neil johnson
    New Zealand


    Apr 12, 2024
    There is no port of entry on the e-visa, we fly auckland to hanoi so I put hanoi as port of entry on the application form. we stop first in ho chi minh and then fly to hanoi. Will it be a problem ? There is no port of entry on the e-visa we have received, but it does say hanoi on our dash board.
    Many thanks,
    Vietnam Evisa Support
    Apr 13, 2024

    Dear neil johnson,

    Thank you for reaching us.

    We would like to inform you that with the same E-Visa, you can enter Vietnam via any international airport. The E-Visa is valid for all Vietnam international airports,

    Therefore, There is no problem when you enter Ho Chi Minh first.

    Best regards,

    Heidi Phan (Ms.)

  • no-avatar

    Should I apply E-Visa in Vietnam?

    Mar 30, 2024

    Dear officer,
    My name is KYAW MYINT NAING with passport number MH******.I'm originally from Myanmar.I arrived to Ho Chi Minh City on February 27, 2024 for my visa interview in US Consulate General. I got my US visa approved on March 7, 2024 and I left my passport with US consulate for processing my Visa application. I think that I was allowed to stay in Vietnam until 22 March according to my permitted date by the Vietnam Immigration but my passport is still with US Consulate. And I don't want to stay in Vietnam illegally. So, could you please instruct me what do I do? I'm really sorry for lately information.
    Residing Address-
    Saigon Charm Hotel
    154, Ly Tu Trong St, District 1, HCMC

    Vietnam Evisa Support
    Apr 01, 2024


    Thank you for reaching us.

    We would like to inform you that we are the private agent processing Vietnam Visa.

    In this case, we cannot help.

    You should go to the Vietnam Immigration department to ask for the extension.

    Vietnam Immigration Department in Ho Chi Minh City: 333-335-337, Nguyen Trai Street, District 1, Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam

    The new E-Visa cannot be applied while the applicants are currently in Vietnam.

    Best regards,

    Heidi Phan (Ms.)

  • no-avatar
    Sarath Babu


    Sep 05, 2023


    While filling the Vietnamese e visa application I noticed that there were two fields asking for my SURNAME and GIVEN NAME and as per my passport details I do not have a SURNAME.
    In this instance could you advice me on how to fill the SURNAME and GIVEN name Field (since I cannot leave the field as blank)?

    Note: My given name as per my passport is SARATH BABU

    Warm Regards
    Sarath Babu
    Vietnam Evisa Support
    Sep 05, 2023

    Dear Sarath Babu,

    Thank you fro your attention to our website.

    Please put the order of your name according to the ICAO line on your passport.

    In case you still dont know how to write it in order, you can apply with us at this link

    When you apply with us, you just need put your name on the field "Full name", then we will help you get the Visa with the correct order of your name.

    Best Regards,

    Heidi Phan (Ms.)


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    Randy Young
    United States of America

    wrong entry point one visa

    May 04, 2023
    One of my friends accidentally put Ho Chi Min seaport instead of Ho Chi Min airport. We leave in 4 days. What should we do? Thanks.
    Vietnam Evisa Support
    May 06, 2023

    Dear Randy Young,

    Thanks for your attention to our website.

    Kindly advise us the application number if you applied with us.

    In this case, your friend needs to apply for the new E-Visa which has the correct port that he/she will enter via.

    If he/she needs the E-Visa urgently, you can apply with us at this link

    Best Regards,

    Heidi Phan (Ms.)