side trip to vietnam

United States of America
side trip to vietnam
Sep 26, 2019
Hello,I'm schedule to arrive in the Philippines on Dec.10 and wanting to have a side trip to Vietnam on Dec 12,my question is that, Is it ok to get or apply for the e visa now or wait until I arrive in the Phil. Thank you.Also if you are Philippine passport holder do you require also a e visa?
Vietnam Evisa Support
Sep 27, 2019
Dear Raquel,
You can apply with us at this link
Your visa will valid from the entry date you put in the application form.
Citizens of the Philippines won't need a visa if staying for fewer than 21 days.
For any further details, please contact us at visa@vietnam-evisa.orgor call us at (+84) 909 343 525or +84.327.117.119
Best Regards.