visa for an performer

Eddie john browne
Sierra Leone
visa for an performer
Feb 16, 2020
Hello am from sierraleone west Africa am an Acrobatics performer i got a job to be doing performance in Vietnam for six months,i need the visa but the embassy is not in my country so unless i apply online i need the official website to apply and i want to know if i will buy my tickets to fly before applying for the visa or after the approval letter , i want to know if any consent letter from my parents needed to be present in my arrival because i will 18 august but i supposed to be in Vietnam this month
Vietnam Evisa Support
Feb 17, 2020
Dear Eddie john browne,
Thanks for your concern,
As Travel agent we could not process Vietnam visa with your Nationality, So we have no information about the procedure.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause
Best Regards.
Stepfano Tran (Mr. )